
We are seeing an increase in greenwashing practices across the floral industry, and we are in no way saying that we are perfect or don’t still have room to grow. However, we are actively working, always, towards better, more sustainable floristry practices. The international cut flower business has historically helped destroy communities and ecosystems worldwide. There is a growing sustainable floral movement, and we are honored to be a part of it.

Below are just some of the changes we have made to help keep our conscience clean and the earth happy. 

  • We source our product as locally as possible, as much as we can- oftentimes growing many of our flowers on our farm. In Wisconsin, this is easily our biggest challenge. In order to be a viable flower shop in a global marketplace we always choose locally grown first, US grown second, and imported fair-trade last.

  • We have partnered with a certified fair trade rose farm that shares our values and ships directly to us, which means your beautiful roses are not only ethically grown, but also typically have a longer vase life.

  • On our farm, we have begun to start hügelkultur farming- a permaculture system that cuts down on water usage and waste while providing our flower beds with ample nutrients. This practice also feeds into the long-term improvement of our soil health, giving back to our land and increasing our productivity.

  • We have two hybrid delivery vehicles, a bicycle trailer system handmade by a dear friend and a van reserved for delivering large-scale events.

  • We compost all of our flower waste from the shop and farm studio. While it might be a pain to haul bins of compost home, it enriches our soil and minimizes what we put back into the landfill.

  • Anything that can be reused, is, including flowers. We dry flowers that we can and compost what we cannot. These dried flowers help fill bouquets in winter months and provide almost everlasting beauty.

  • We reuse all packaging that comes into our store, paper scraps to pack in vases and boxes to ship out product. What we can’t use we offer free to others. We use recycling as a last resort, as this option also requires energy and resources.

  • Anyone in the floral world will tell you we use a lot of cardboard, like a lot - a lot. Thankfully, we can use that cardboard on our farm as a natural weed barrier.

  • We use chicken wire as an alternative to floral foam whenever possible and when we can’t, we use an eco-friendly version.

  • We offer vase returns with all of our flower subscriptions, this benefits us all in that we buy less glassware, you get more in value in flowers, and your cabinets aren’t cluttered with vases.

  • Typical florist vases are not recyclable. We source ones that are recycled or used whenever possible. We love a vintage vase and scouring for those treasures is one of our favorite activities.